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Mitologia sfinţilor la clasicii junimişti

Publication: Philologica Banatica, III (1), p. 71-80
Publisher:Editura Mirton; Editura Amphora
Abstract:In the folk tradition, some of the saints have received well defined characteristics, without having any links to the Christian tradition. They belong to the village mythology, the one with archaic or pre-Christian origin, overwhelmed by Christianity and by the surrounding peoples’ mythologies. Many saints have become “saints of superstitions”, even their names reminding man what to do or not. Although the names of these saints are inspired from the Christian tradition, they are modified within the village community. Sâmedru, Sângiorz, Sânpetru, Sântandrei, Sântilie, Sântoader, Sânvăsii are the popular names of saints, made up from the words sânt and the name itself. Those saints have replaced old mythical representations, less or more recognisable, taking over many of their characteristics and losing their own biblical ones.
Among those who have kept in their pieces of work the popular names of saints and the whole mystery of their feasts, there are Eminescu, Creangă and Caragiale.
Language: Romanian

Citations to this publication: 0

References in this publication: 1

21Tudor PamfileMitologia poporului român
2 vol.
Vestala2006; 2008

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