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La Princesse Marthe Bibesco : l’écriture du deuil entre peur de l’oubli et pathologie

Publication: Philologica Jassyensia, VIII (2), p. 235-245
Publisher:Institutul de Filologie Română „A. Philippide”
Abstract:The work created by Princess Marthe Bibesco is rich and varied in terms of themes and literary genres she chooses to communicate to the readers her most intimate thoughts. Land of contrasts, her literary creation expresses a personality with multiple vocations and an evolution with different directions. For Princess Marthe Bibesco memory seems to be not only a remedy against forgetfulness, but also the main source of creation, because her work is born from the first hand experience, and the fiction is built in connection with the latter, as an extension. And we can say that for the writer the adventure of the memory is the adventure of writing which is a creative act because it can invent new forms of expression, new worlds and new realities.
The desire for confession finds its purpose in the literary creation and thus the production of a story takes the appearance of a catharsis for its power to cast out the torment by which the soul is agitated. That is why the writer finds deliverance in the scriptural act and ceases to be haunted by past failures.
Trying to control her grief, her sorrows and her worries, Princess Marthe Bibesco wants at the same time to allow the readers to really know her. Offering her experiences to the public she wants to universalize them. Her works show us how using the writing she tries to fight against loneliness, death and oblivion that are common to all of us.
She was irreparably marked by an obsession with the death of her brother, obsession that becomes a permanence in her novel Le Perroquet Vert and a decisive dimension to her understanding of human existence. By an effort of the imagination she creates with her own resources a personal representation of life, time, love and family. Imagination and fiction play in this work the difficult role to correct the guilt, to heal suffering, to transform reality and put things in a desired order. Throughout the narrative of the novel she seems surrounded by a constant sense of mourning, passing truth by successive bereavements.
Key words:autobiography, fiction, the significance of writing, mourning, mater lacrymosa
Language: French

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