Title: | Expresivitatea metaforei lingvistice |
Author: | Elena Slave |
Publication: | Limba română, XV (4), p. 329 |
p-ISSN: | 0024-3523 |
Publisher: | Editura Academiei |
Place: | București |
Year: | 1966 |
Citations to this publication: 3
1 | Constantin Manea | General and Metaphoric Expressiveness of English Slang | SCOL, VI (1-2) | 2013 | pdf html |
0 | Constantin Manea | Comparative Remarks Concerning the Technical and Slang Terms in English and Romanian | Argotica, I | 2012 | |
0 | Constantin Manea, Rodica Velea | Argot and familiar terms derived from languages for specific purposes | ELI, 3 (1), 182 | 2007 | pdf html |
References in this publication: 0
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