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Rushdie’s Sorcery with Language

Publication: Philologica Jassyensia, VIII (2), p. 129-142
Publisher:Institutul de Filologie Română „A. Philippide”
Abstract:This article looks into how postcolonial writer Salman Rushdie does a work of “magic” with languages in order to find his own voice to tell his unrooted and hybrid stories. Hybridity and unrootedness are essential aspects of his writing. This study traces Rushdie’s experiments with languages from Midnight’s Children, the novel where he felt he found a voice of his own, and through to The Enchantress of Florence, a novel of linguistic and artistic refinement. From one novel to the next, Rushdie found new inflections of his voice in his narrators and characters, who “chutnified” English, “translated” their languages into their idioms, aestheticized and palimpsested their world, “disoriented” it, turned it into a “hypertext”, or seduced the readers with their stories.
Key words:narrative voice, ‘translated man’, ‘chutnification’, palimpsest, ekphrasis, iconic text, aestheticization
Language: English

Citations to this publication: 1

0Ludmila Branişte, Oana Maria PetroviciLyrical expressivity in Romanian and the art of translationEITM, 5, 588-5952013pdf

References in this publication: 0

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