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The Correlation Between Language and Cultural Identity in Phraseological Units

Publication: Buletinul Științific al Universității „Mihail Kogălniceanu”, 22 (2), p. 109-116
Publisher:Editura Cugetarea
Abstract:The researchers have shown that each community exists through language and culture and therefore, the linguistic competence is fundamental for human existence. In this paper, we accomplish an analysis of the linguistic competence and we point out that language is not only a product, but a dynamic and creative activity. The anthropocentric studies demonstrated that language is a reflection of the surrounding world and a manner of representing and reproducing culture. The correlation between language and culture is elloquently illustrated by the domain of phraseology and for this purpose, we exemplify the cultural specificity of language units by discussing a number of English and Romanian idioms. Some of the idioms are common to the two languages, generated by the same historical and psychological factors. Other idioms are specific to the Romanian or the English language, and are structured on traditions, social and political aspects, economic relationships and cultural values, unique for the identity of the two cultures.
Key words:language, linguistic competence, culture connotation, phraseology, idiom
Language: English

Citations to this publication: 0

References in this publication: 3

11Casia ZahariaExpresiile idiomatice în procesul comunicării
Abordare contrastivă pe terenul limbilor română şi germană
Editura Universității „Alexandru Ioan Cuza”2004html
13Constanța AvădaneiConstrucții idiomatice în limbile română și englezăEditura Universității „Alexandru Ioan Cuza”2000html
62Stelian DumistrăcelLexic românesc
Cuvinte, metafore, expresii
Editura Științifică și Enciclopedică; Demiurg Plus1980; 2011

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