Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

„Niciodată Toamna” de Tudor Arghezi. Încercare de analiză a sentimentului de fascinaţie

Publicația: Limba română: direcții actuale în cercetarea lingvistică. Actele celui de-al 11-lea Colocviu Internațional al Departamentului de Lingvistică, II, p. 259
Editori:Rodica Zafiu, Adina Dragomirescu, Alexandru Nicolae
Editura:Editura Universității din București
Rezumat:The paper attempts to theoretically circumscribe the specifical character of the literary text according to ordinary or usual communication. It regards not solely the substitution of the real assertion by a credible assertion. The receptor's expectation differs depending on the text type and certain literary texts, for instance those belonging to the categories of absurd or poetical texts, eliminate even the requirement that the assertion should be credible, replacing it with the expectation that the text should be uncommon, different from the real world and from the common language. In order to provide an example, we have analysed a poetical text that is apparently a lyrical descriptive poem, trying to circumscribe, with the means of language logics, the source of the feeling of fascination. We have distinguished several levels of reading, the first being a denotative-descriptive level. On the second level, we have noticed contradictions of the oxymoron type and the distancing from common language. On the third level, we have noticed that the text is structured on two planes, the telluric and the celestial one, with the former aspiring to an impossible access to the latter plane. The latter plane, that of the relationship between the issuer and the text, expresses and denies, at the same time, contradictory feelings of joy and sadness. In conclusion, the source of the feeling of fascination resides in the multitude of oxymorons that are situated both on the level of expression and on that of textual significance, which accordingly allows the receptor to have access, or denies the receptor’s access to knowing the possible textual world, thus placing it at the border between real and imaginary.
Limba: română

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