Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Forme de metacomunicare în discursurile lui Armand Călinescu

Publicația: Limba română: controverse, delimitări, noi ipoteze. Actele celui de-al 9-lea Colocviu al Catedrei de Limba Română, II, Secțiunea Pragmatică și stilistică, p. 307
Editori:Rodica Zafiu, Adina Dragomirescu, Alexandru Nicolae
Editura:Editura Universității din București
Rezumat:[Metacommunicative Means in the Discourses of Armand Călinescu] This paper is concerned with presenting the variety and the functions of the metacommunicative structures, as shown by the discourses of Armand Călinescu. Such structures are usually connected with four functions, taking into account the element which is focused upon: the content of the message/ the logos (the metaterminological function), the form of the message (the ludic function), the ethos (the attributive function) or the pathos (the mimetic function). Often, two or even more functions work together, which result in multilayered structures, where the main message is accompanied by a metamessage that comments on or evaluate the former.
The metacommunicative structures aim at explaining, negotiating and adjusting the message(s) in accordance with the goals of the participants; they also mediate the passage between the personal and interpersonal levels, as well as between different metadiscursive levels, which are connected by different means, such as (self)quotation, qualification, explanation, (re)defining the terms, etc.
Limba: română

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