Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

„Bârfe, zvonuri, mondenéle” (aspecte privind sursele cunoaşterii şi mărcile lor lingvistice în talk-show-ul românesc)

Publicația: Limba română: controverse, delimitări, noi ipoteze. Actele celui de-al 9-lea Colocviu al Catedrei de Limba Română, II, Secțiunea Pragmatică și stilistică, p. 109
Editori:Rodica Zafiu, Adina Dragomirescu, Alexandru Nicolae
Editura:Editura Universității din București
Rezumat:[„Gossips, Rumours, Worldly News” (Aspects concerning the sources of knowledge and their linguistic markers in the Romanian talk-show)] The topic of this communication is public rumour, defined as a piece of improvised news, resulting from a process of collective deliberation.
The theoretical framework of the discussion is represented by textual linguistics of Bakhtin – Ducrot – Nolke type; its scope comprises enunciation and research object – indicators of the presence of several voices or points of view at the level of the utterance, or, in other words, the presence of the linguistic polyphony marks in the utterance.
The linguistic analysis aims at highlighting several aspects such as: the delimitation of the semantic field of rumour (well-represented in the current Romanian language), the presentation of the variety of introductive formulae for rumour in the current journalistic language, identification of linguistic markets (evidentials) that the journalists use in order to indicate their reserve or distance from a message reproduced in the direct or indirect style, or from a piece of information received from somebody else. The journalistic discourse widely uses such means, whenever it has to refer not to facts, but the other people’s utterances, thus trying to set a certain order in the multiplication of the text voices.
We would like to mention that we will mainly refer hereafter to the Romanian television talk-show. The illustrative texts have been outsourced on the Internet.
Limba: română

Citări la această publicație: 1

Referințe în această publicație: 2

396Valeria Guțu Romalo (coord.)GALR
Gramatica limbii române. I. Cuvântul; II. Enunțul
Editura Academiei2005; 2008
193Rodica ZafiuDiversitate stilistică în româna actualăEditura Universităţii2001html

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