Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Panoul publicitar − element al cursei electorale

Publicația: Limba română: controverse, delimitări, noi ipoteze. Actele celui de-al 9-lea Colocviu al Catedrei de Limba Română, II, Secțiunea Pragmatică și stilistică, p. 69
Editori:Rodica Zafiu, Adina Dragomirescu, Alexandru Nicolae
Editura:Editura Universității din București
Rezumat:[The Billboard − An Element of the Electoral Race] The problematic status of the linguistic message in electoral advertising has represented the subject of many studies and researches.
In this paper we approached the problem of electoral billboards differently. We offered a global perspective, our discussion being based on Roland Barthes’ theory on the rhetoric of the image (1964). We have been interested in analyzing not only the linguistic aspect of the electoral billboard, but also all other types of messages conveyed through it: the denotative iconic message, the symbolic message and, of course, the linguistic message. Our corpus is made of the electoral billboards used in the Romanian presidential campaign (2009) and of those used in France (2007).
We have noticed that it is necessary to interpret both the contextual linguistic message and the major differences between concepts and mentalities of the two political campaigns. While the Romanian billboards used in the political campaign implied a dichotomic scenario, a story told by the continuous interchange of the election posters, the political campaign in France was based on mutual respect and on positive support of the electoral platform. In both cases, the electoral billboards represented a preview of the electoral discourse, seen as a possible race in the electoral race.
Limba: română

Citări la această publicație: 1

Referințe în această publicație: 1

82Daniela Rovența-FrumușaniAnaliza discursului
Ipoteze și ipostaze
Editura Tritonic2004, 2005

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