Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

The judicial act as an act of speech

Publicația: The Proceedings of the International Conference Literature, Discourse and Multicultural Dialogue. Section: Language and Discourse, 4, p. 170-174
Editori:Iulian Boldea
Editura:Arhipelag XXI Press
Rezumat:In juridical theory, the civil act is viewed as a manifestation of will in order to produce juridical effects, id est to initiate, to modify or to end a juridical rapport (Boroi, Stănciulescu 2012: 77). Three important characteristics emerge from this definition and regard, the same time, the speech acts performed – the juridical civil act viewed as an expression (often linguistically), i.e. a manifested will, the civil juridical act regarded as a concretized intention, the civil juridical act viewed as an instrument enabled to modify reality.
Some philosophers of language (Austin 1962, Searle 1969) propose a classification of speech acts taking into account the criteria of intention. We find in this scheme the commissive acts, those acts used to make promises, the speaker being engaged to do a certain action, the declarative acts, utilized to confirm a fact, to declare - to say and to do something being equivalent.
The target of this paper to analyze this kind of speech acts in the perspective of civil acts, respectively to analyze these civil acts as linguistic manifestations of juridical intentions.
Cuvinte-cheie:civil act, speech act, pragmatic, linguistic, law
Limba: română

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Referințe în această publicație: 1

58Liliana Ionescu-RuxăndoiuLimbaj și comunicare
Elemente de pragmatică lingvistică
All Educational2003

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