Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Morphosyntactic features of present turistic discourse in Romanian and French

Publicația: The Proceedings of the International Conference Literature, Discourse and Multicultural Dialogue. Section: Language and Discourse, 4, p. 145-151
Editori:Iulian Boldea
Editura:Arhipelag XXI Press
Rezumat:The new consumerist context has led to major changes in the view of both the evolved consumer and the advertisers. Today’s tourist is an experienced tourist who knows what he is looking for and what s/he needs. S/He prefers less crowded places, appreciates quality, the appeal of tourist destination, good-value, the personalization of tourism products. Or, the professionals, knowing well the potential customer, are forced to upgrade their messages and their approach techniques, in order to reach him/her. For this, guide writers use various linguistic methods (of morphological and syntactic nature), which we will analyze in this paper.
Cuvinte-cheie:tourist speech, specialized text, destination, tourism product, tourist guide
Limba: franceză

Citări la această publicație: 0

Referințe în această publicație: 1

224Mioara AvramGramatica pentru toțiEditura Academiei; Humanitas1986; 1997, 2001

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