Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Adjectivul „divin” și categoria gramaticală a comparației în poezia lui Traian Dorz

Publicația: Cercetări lingvistice. Omagiu doamnei profesoare Adriana Stoichițoiu Ichim, p. 21-30
Editori:Dragoș Vlad Topală
Editura:Editura Sitech
Rezumat:[The adjective divin and the grammatical category of comparison in Traian Dorz’s poetry]
The objective of this paper is to analyze some aspects related to the meaning of the adjective divin / ‘divine’ in the lyrical work of a contemporary Romanian writer, Traian Dorz, author of thousands of poems of mystical inspiration and of several volumes with memoirs or religious meditations. We will have in view the fact that, although considered an adjective without degrees of comparison, it allows, in certain contexts, the presence of the markers of intensity, thus creating remarkable stylistic effects. The phenomenon is even more interesting in poems that have a very strong mystical-religious seed, in which structures with repetitive or hyperbolic features are frequent and have a paramount role in conveying the message.
Cuvinte-cheie:adjective, degrees of comparison, grammar, stylistics, mystical-religious poetry
Limba: română

Citări la această publicație: 0

Referințe în această publicație: 6

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