Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Fenomene dialectale purtate de păstorii transilvăneni în zone de iernatic dunărene

Publicația: Lucrările celui de-al șaselea Simpozion Internațional de Lingvistică, București, 29-30 mai 2015, Secțiunea Dialectologie. Geolingvistică. Onomastică. Fonetică, p. 67-74
Editori:Maria Stanciu Istrate, Daniela Răuțu
Editura:Editura Univers Enciclopedic Gold
Rezumat:[Dialectal features transported by Transylvanian shepherds to Danubian wintering zones]
Dialectologists have always paid attention to the spread of dialectal phenomena, and the issue has been better understood to the extent that linguistic data have been connected to the history, the geography, or the social and economic life of some community. Within the Romanian linguistic space, transhumance has been one of the most important causes of transporting the dialectal particularities of one region to another zone, with different linguistic specifics.
This study aims to shed light on a number of dialectal features transported by Transylvanian shepherds from their native places, to their wintering places, close to the Danube river, to some villages in southern Oltenia and Wallachia, in particular. Most of them are phonetic, however, lexical and morpho-syntactical aspects occupy an important place too. In many cases, the route that these phenomena followed is still visible, because the Danubian regions under scrutiny have remained rather isolated within the larger area of the south-eastern Daco-Romanian dialects.
Cuvinte-cheie:linguistic contact, contact dialects, dialectal islands, interferences
Limba: română

Citări la această publicație: 1

Referințe în această publicație: 6

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