Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Traducerea de poezie în contextul cercetărilor traductologice

Publicația: Studii de traductologie românească. I. Discurs traductiv, discurs metatraductiv. In honorem professoris Ileana Oancea, p. 267-285
Editori:Georgiana Lungu-Badea, Nadia Obrocea
Editura:Editura Universității de Vest
Rezumat:Although translations are for thousands of years and the first reflections on the act of translation existed for over two thousand years, traductology is emerging as a discipline only recently, approximately for the last two decades of the history of translation past. Investigation on the history of translation can lead to revealing the timeliness and usefulness concepts which, in the beginning, enjoyed of the attention of renowned linguists (as Jakobson, Nida, Mounin) and, later on, they record a split vision and strictly linguistic approach to translation. Since the 1990s it stands a new spirit came from sociology, influencing translation studies, but we can also talk about an interdisciplinary “sectorization”: terminology, the practice of translation, and the interpretation come to complete the unity and complexity of translation.
There is already some proofs that the interdisciplinary translation approach could be a stimulate that gives a very accelerated pace of research and the results are fruitful. Translation from everywhere, with its specific characteristics, even if we talk about the French, English, German, American, Canadian, Italian, Spanish or Romanian space, show the same tendency to divide into more translations, depending on the basic specialty of the translator and its center of interest (literature, semiotics, linguistics, psycholinguistics, sociology etc.) as well as its study objects (word, phrase, sentence, text, translation processes, intentions of communication etc.).
About the mechanisms of meeting a language to another one and its poetic world it has been already written quite a lot. Acting on the potential of thought and sensitivity, the translator of poetry faces, as distinguished Croce (Aesthetics, Bari, 1926), with the inability to compose the non-repeatability on second and third hand. The untranslatability is the life of language, as observe also Steiner (After Babel, 1983, 304) and, more, it has been advanced to the idea that in the translation of poetry everything is delusion (Vladimir Nabokov, “Problems of Translation: Onegin in English”, Partisan Review, XXII, 1955).
We intend to follow in this article how it is reflected in studies of translation the problem of the levels of translatability of poetic texts, the losses/compensations of expressiveness. The understanding and translation of poetry requires a hermeneutical process, artistry and a clever monitoring of word’s energy on linguistic land which is unstable, sometimes with fundamental losses. We try to follow and find some marks that we are offered by translation studies about the authorial, textual, lecturers and translating court. The poetic phenomenon was analyzed by various commentators in different terms, depending on rhetorical strategies (in Romanian literature Mircea Scarlat spoke, in this regard, of lavish decorating and the refusal of adornment) or eras characterized by a certain kind of rhetoric. To what extent is translation a faithfully report to rhetorically code, with rhythmic phenomenon, with noise or lexical choices? And to what extent is the interpretation or misrepresentation? On the poetic texts studied in the mirror, the traductologists and translators, implicitly, refer to a problem that requires more thought and adjacent explanatory, descriptive, interpretative demarche.
Cuvinte-cheie:traductology, literary translation, translation of the poetic text, court lecturers, translation court
Limba: română

Citări la această publicație: 1

Referințe în această publicație: 8

26Georgiana Lungu-BadeaIdei și metaidei traductive românești
Secolele XVI-XXI
Editura Eurostampa; Editura Universității de Vest2013; 2015
33Magda Jeanrenaud
  • Universaliile traducerii
  • Universalien des Übersetzens
Editura Polirom; Frank & Timme Verlag2006; 2014
24Georgiana Lungu-BadeaTendințe în cercetarea traductologicăEditura Universității de Vest2005
49Georgiana Lungu-BadeaMic dicţionar de termeni utilizaţi în teoria, practica şi didactica traduceriiEditura Orizonturi Universitare; Editura Universității de Vest2003; 2008, 2012
30Mircea ScarlatIstoria poeziei româneşti
I., II., III., IV.
Editura Minerva1982, 1984, 1986, 1990
10Maria CarpovIntroducere la semiologia literaturiiUnivers1978
18Solomon MarcusPoetica matematicăEditura Academiei1970
97Roman JakobsonEssais de linguistique générale
I. Les Fondations du langage, II. Rapports internes et externes du langage
Éditions de Minuit1963, 1973

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