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Der Cod. Altenberger im Muzeul Național de Istorie (Bukarest) und weitere Dokumente des 15.-16. Jahrhunderts aus Transylvanien

Publicația: Flores philologiae – omagiu profesorului Eugen Munteanu, la împlinirea vârstei de 60 de ani, Secțiunea Studii, p. 572-592
Editori:Ana Catană-Spenchiu, Ioana Repciuc, Florin Faifer
Editura:Editura Universității „Alexandru Ioan Cuza”
Rezumat:The Codex Altenberger is a magnific illuminated parchement tome (Foliant) that collocates various parts of different German civil law codes circulating in the German speaking areas of central Europe since the 13th century. The codex has been written probably in the 14th – 15th centuries in southern Germany. The codex was brought in 1481 by the Bürgermeister (mayor and judge of Hermannstadt, Rom. Sibiu) to his home town, one of the most important cities of the German ethnic minority, the “Siebenbürger Sachsen“ (the Saxons, a community apart from the Hungarians) in Transylvania. The document of the “Türkenbüchlein“ (“Turkish booklet“) poses a threat to the imminent danger of Turkish invasions in the Balkans ending with a crushing defeat of the Transylvanian-Hungarian royal dynasties during the battle of Mohács (1526). The document of the last will and testament of the widow Vrsula Meister Paulin, put down in Latin and German in 1505-1512, gives an insight into the exceptional fortune of a private person living in the Transylvanian town of Bistritz (Rom. Bistriţa) at the turning point of the modern times in Europe.
Cuvinte-cheie:The Codex Altenberg, German civil law codes, Sibiu, Bistriţa, Transylvanian Saxons, Turkish invasion
Limba: germană

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