Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Trebnicul lui Petru Movilă – o contribuție marcantă la dezvoltarea Molitfelnicului ortodox

Publicația: Flores philologiae – omagiu profesorului Eugen Munteanu, la împlinirea vârstei de 60 de ani, Secțiunea Studii, p. 389-398
Editori:Ana Catană-Spenchiu, Ioana Repciuc, Florin Faifer
Editura:Editura Universității „Alexandru Ioan Cuza”
Rezumat:The Trebnic that metropolitan Petru Movilă published in 1646 stands for a crucial point in the history of the Orthodox euchologion. Even if the great clergyman is still considered nowadays a controversial figure due to his attachment for the Occidental theology, the methods he employed, his commitment to the Othodoxy is by any means unquestionable. In a 17th century dominated by a great deal of doctrinal controversies that were determined by an excessive protestant and Catholic proselytism within the Orthodox peoples, Petru Movilă was unequalled at managing to enforce Orthodox resistance and counterbalance the Uniates forcible movements meant to corrupt the Ukrainian Church. For the first time in the history of Eastern euchologion, Petru Movilă’s Trebnic employs Western sources like the Rituale Romanum of 1614, belonging to Pope Paul V. There is still an accurate limit to draw when referring to the specific influences this Western work has. The Kievan metropolitan borrowed from the Occidental rite those specific prayers he considered useful for the new realities of the Orthodox world, but had that keenness of judgement to avoid the Roman-Catholic doctrinal errors. Though the Trebnic was initially highly prudently received, many of these arrangements were in time adopted within the whole Orthodox world and even in the Greek editions some influence could be detected.
Cuvinte-cheie:Trebnic, Petru Movilă, Greek editions
Limba: română

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