Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Elemente de lingvistică subiectivă în spațiul public românesc

Publicația: Magistri et alumni, amore scribendi. Studia. In Honorem Professoris Nicolae Felecan, Secțiunea Lexicologie. Pragmalingvistică, p. 273
Editori:Oliviu Felecan, Daiana Felecan
Editura:Editura Mega, Editura Argonaut
Rezumat:[Elements of subjective linguistics in Romanian public space]
The paper presents some aspects of the perceptual norms in use among ordinary Romanian speakers. The corpus analysed by the author consists of data selected from the Internet. By studying the Net samples, we find out that Romanian speakers show different abilities in their judgements of linguistic phenomena (abilities in perceptual dialectology, in the reduction of different non-standard versions to the unique/standard norm). Speakers interested in language matters associate the structural dimension of utterances with social, cultural and psychological variables like: ethnicity, social status, context, style, register, i.e., issuing on them stereotypical sentences of affective nature. Folk knowledge is minimal (or inaccurate/wrong), accent does not fall on facts, but on effects obtained through different rhetorical and stylistic means. Internauts issue opinions on linguistic loyalty, code switching, linguistic hybridization due to population movements. The analyses provided here add data from Romanian public space to updated folk linguistic research, emphasising, once and again, the interdependence of “scientific” and “folk” linguistics and supporting, implicitly, the importance of both research areas for the adequate description of language phenomena.
Cuvinte-cheie:subjective linguistics, Romanian public space, perceptual norms, perceptual dialectology, stereotypical sentences, folk linguistics
Limba: română

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