Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Construirea și negocierea sensului umoristic în discursul radiofonic

Publicația: Perspective comparative și diacronice asupra limbii române, Secțiunea Pragmatică și stilistică, p. 163
Editori:Mihaela Viorica Constantinescu, Adina Dragomirescu, Alexandru Nicolae, Gabriela Stoica, Rodica Zafiu
Editura:Editura Universității din București
Rezumat:[Construction and negotiation of humorous meaning in radio journalistic discourse]
After a theoretical introduction which comprises a contextual definition of humour, as well as the main functions and typology of humorous genres, the paper explores a relatively new journalistic genre, infotainment, which combines the existing news patterns with the multifaceted entertaining formats. In humorous news, meaning is created by means of linguistic, discursive and descriptive procedures which accompany two sequences – the initial one (corresponding to the bona fide mode of rendering a piece of news) and the reactive one (corresponding to the journalistic comment in a non bona-fide humorous mode). The construction and negotiation of humorous meaning in radio morning shows is exemplified in the detailed analysis of a piece of radio news transformed in a sequence of infotainment. The analysis reveals that humorous meaning can be rendered in several discursive forms, separated from the informative discourse: the supradiscourse, which has a critical note, the infradiscourse, a parasite discourse which dwells on the humorous rendering of the primary informative discourse, the counterdiscourse, which relativizes the highest values of the serious discourse forms, and the metadiscourse which caricaturizes the serious discourse and allows for the surfacing of its basic values and principles.
Limba: română

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