Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Advertising Language: a Cognitive-Semantic Approach to Wine Television Advertisements in Romania

Publicația: Creativity in social sciences. Actele Conferinței Internaționale de Științe Umaniste și Sociale „Creativitate. Imaginar. Limbaj”, p. 21
Editori:Claudiu Marian Bunăiașu, Elena Rodica Opran, Dan Valeriu Voinea
Rezumat:This paper aims to analyze the main aspects of the figurative language used by wine specialists in television advertising discourse. Starting from an approach whose overall view is oriented by conceptual metaphor theory, we will analyze and classify conceptual metaphors related to wine and wine tasting. We will illustrate the identified categories by examples taken from a corpus of excerpts of Romanian television advertising discourse. Some of these excerpts are taken over and developed on online promotional sites and also help us understand how wines are described metaphorically.
Dealing with the issue of perception and description of wine in Romanian television advertising discourse allows us an orientation of the research by multiple approaches of the semantics of winespeak: the recognition of essential aspects of the wine imaginary in our research corpus; the analysis of sensory impressions and representations in TV winespeak; an analysis of the main categories of conceptual metaphors associated with wine and wine tasting notes.
Our main aim is to organize conceptualizations of wine tasting notes into several categories of cognitive metaphors related to wine, according to the model inspired by the research of Lakoff and Johnson (Metaphors we live by, 1980).
Cuvinte-cheie:advertising language, conceptual metaphors, cognitive-semantic approach, television discourse, perception, senses, wine television advertisements
Limba: engleză

Citări la această publicație: 4

Referințe în această publicație: 5

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