Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Valori stilistice ale numelor proprii în scrisul vechi românesc

Publicația: Numele și numirea. Actele Conferinței Internaționale de Onomastică. Ediția I: Interferențe multietnice în antroponimie, p. 115
Editori:Oliviu Felecan
Editura:Editura Mega
Rezumat:[Stylistic values of proper names in Old Romanian writings]
Occisio Gregorii Vodae, the first original play written in Romanian, is innovative within the wider field of Old Romanian literature as regards names of characters and the choice of place names, which are employed so as to suggest various features, attitudes and behaviours. In the age of passage from Old Romanian to Modern Romanian, Ion Budai-Deleanu, a great Enlightenment scholar, also employs in the epic poem Ţiganiada [The Gypsy epic] (or Tabăra ţiganilor [The Gypsy’s camp]) similar means of giving names of characters and of selecting, reinterpreting and creating, respectively, names of places. The aim of these names is to describe characters or to indicate an ironic detachment in relation to characters’ behaviour and actions.
Adopted most likely independently by the two authors in agreement with Western models, this technique assimilates values and also functions that are found in Romanian folklore and in the spoken Romanian language, in which a surname partially fulfils the same function.
The “discovery” of the two Transylvanian writers, that is, the anonymous author of the play Occisio Gregorii Vodae and Ion Budai-Deleanu, both of whom were established late in the public conscience, reappears in other sources and under different forms of manifestation in Romanian literature only in the second half of the 19th century. This fact confirms, once again, the negative consequences of the divisions that appeared during different periods of the Romanian culture.
Cuvinte-cheie:anthroponyms, toponyms, lexical creations, Old Romanian, the stylistic role of proper names
Limba: română

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