Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Polydefinite DPs in Old Romanian

Publicația: Formal Approaches to DPs in Old Romanian, Secțiunea The Internal Structure of the DP, p. 62
Editori:Virginia Hill
Locul:Leiden, Boston
Rezumat:This paper focuses on Old Romanian DPs in which the definite article surfaces more than once: on the noun and on another item, typically an adjective. While the literature analyzes these DPs as involving multiple agree with the definiteness feature on the D head, I propose that Old Romanian made use of a feature that is no longer syntactically active in Modern Romanian, namely referentiality. Thus the analysis I propose computes over two morphosyntactic features: definiteness and referentiality. Both of these are unvalued features of D and the proposal is that the definite article is spelled out disjointly both on items that probe D to check/value the [def] feature, and on items that check/value the [Ref] feature on D. One advantage of this approach over a multiple agree approach is that long distance agree, which was posited for Old Romanian in previous work on definite DPs can be dispensed with.
Limba: engleză

Citări la această publicație: 0

Referințe în această publicație: 8

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