Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Barese unmarked constructions and the case of preverbal intransitive subjects

Publicația: Limba română: diacronie și sincronie în studiul limbii române, I, p. 39
Editori:Rodica Zafiu, Adina Dragomirescu, Alexandru Nicolae
Editura:Editura Universității din București
Rezumat:In the survey of pragmatically unmarked sentential word orders of Barese, a dialect of the Upper-South of Italy, we come across a pragmatico-semantic phenomenon involving the fronting of a subset of intransitive subjects, which generally surface post-verbally in many (Italo-)Romance varieties. I argue that the availability of both pre- and post-verbal intransitive subject positions in Barese responds to two different semantic requirements: the ability to access the relevant information by both interlocutors, which triggers subject-fronting, and the covert presence of a pre-verbal loco-temporal deictic argument, which blocks subject-fronting. The latter situation is extensively discussed in the literature, whereas the former has always gone unnoticed. I discuss the fine-grained semantics of such fronted subject by means of Lambrecht’s (1994) ‘Topic Acceptability Scale’, in order to capture the pragmatico-semantic mechanism that determines the fronting of ‘accessible’ information to both interlocutors.
Limba: engleză

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