Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

La vie de l’historien moldave Miron Costin (1633–1691) en Pologne

Publicația: Philologica Jassyensia, V (1), p. 185-193
Editura:Institutul de Filologie Română „A. Philippide”
Rezumat:Miron Costin was one of the most important political and cultural figures among the Romanian chroniclers of the 17th century in Moldavia, one of the so called “Romanian countries” (Muntenia, Oltenia). Because of the ottoman outrages on the Balkans his family was constrained to take refuge to catholic Poland. Due to the political function of his father, a rich Moldavian boyar, at the age of five years, he was awarded “un noble polonais”. In 1653 he returned in his country. Among his most important historical works we remember Letopiseţul Ţărâi Moldovei de la Aron Vodă încoace 1675 [The History of the Moldovian Country from A. V. to 1675] or Opisanie ziemie Moldawkiej I Multanskiej [The History in polish verses of the Moldavia and Muntenia countries]. His destiny was not determined by the ottoman dominance but by his own patriot, the Prince Constantin Cantemir who believed that Miron Costin tried to usurp his throne in Iasi, the capital of Moldavia. Consequence: Miron Costin was decapitated.
Cuvinte-cheie:Miron Costin, Romanian-Moldavian chronicler of the 17th Century; Cultural performance in Poland; Romanian patriot under the Ottoman dominance on the Balkans
Limba: franceză

Citări la această publicație: 1

Referințe în această publicație: 1

54Nicolae CartojanIstoria literaturii române vechi
Vol. I-III.
Minerva; Editura Fundației Culturale Române1980; 1996

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