Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Parcursul românesc al lui Andrei Codrescu

Publicația: Analele Universității de Vest din Timișoara. Seria Științe Filologice, LI-LII, p. 137
Editura:Editura Universității de Vest
Rezumat:[The Romanian Literary Career of Andrei Codrescu] Andrei Codrescu is arguably the most popular contemporary American writer of Romanian origin. In 1965, at the moment of his immigration – or exile, as Codrescu perceives it –, he was an aspiring Romanian poet, as he had published around a dozen of poems in various literary magazines. Surprisingly enough, eight years later, when he had already switched languages and started to gain recognition as an American poet, he still made an attempt to publish a book containing his early poems from exile, written in Romanian. The book, entitled Instrumentul negru (“The Black Instrument”), would be published in Romania only in 2005, and its author would regard it as a gesture of reclaiming his native poetic identity. Moreover, in 2007, Andrei Codrescu, together with Ruxandra Cesereanu, published a poetry volume entitled Submarinul iertat that was translated into English by Codrescu himself two years later, as Forgiven Submarine. The book was initially written in Romanian language and it represented Codrescu’s symbolic return to his primary language, in a poetic tandem. The complex relationship between the initial version of the book and its translation/recreation into English offers an opportunity to analyze the particularities of this unique act of creation cum self-translation, as the initial author is also the translator of the book. It is generally accepted that the acknowledged influence of the Romanian language on Codrescu’s early English poems from the 1970s was the source of his being labelled a “Balkan surrealist” in America, and it proves the existence of a deep Romanian cultural background that has shaped (or at least influenced) his English creation. His creation, together with its roots and its ensuing versatile evolution, illustrates the cultural complexity of bilingual authors in general and offers a pertinent insight into the way Codrescu relates to the language of its origins, the Romanian language.
Cuvinte-cheie:Andrei Codrescu, exile, literary identity, language, translation
Limba: română

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