Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Les traces de la dimension culturelle dans la traduction des bandes dessinées

Publicația: Atelier de traduction, 22, p. 109
Editura:Editura Universităţii din Suceava
Rezumat:André Martinet’s statement (1970 : 12) that every language represents a particular organization of the facts of experience is well-known. Therefore, learning a language is not about giving new labels to objects that are already known. It is about getting used to analyzing reality in a different way. Consequently, the translation of the cultural dimension is quite a difficult enterprise mainly because, quite often, it is hard to introduce a different way of thinking to a given audience. In the present study, we compare several examples of comics written in French and translated into Modern Greek in order to examine how our two languages of study treat the cultural parameter. Are there any specific translation processes that intervene more often to our corpus? And if this is the case, to what extend the translation differs from the original? Can we conclude that the translation of comics is oriented towards domestication and neutralization of the cognitive-referential peculiarities or, on the contrary, towards a more marked direction?
Cuvinte-cheie:cultural dimension, translation, comparative study, French, Modern Greek
Limba: franceză

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