Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Baba, bouillie, brouet : les dangers de l’hybridité

Publicația: Atelier de traduction, 22, p. 23
Editura:Editura Universităţii din Suceava
Rezumat:This article examines various types of choice that translators make when translating cultural elements. Some translators adopt what is identified as a « centripetal orientation », injecting target cultural references into a source-text that nonetheless remains grounded in its original culture. Others deal with cultural references on a microstructural level, disregarding the macrostructural consequences of their translational choices. The result is often a hybrid target-text, which leaves the reader in something of a cultural no man’s land. It is suggested that translation theorists should take active steps to make publishers (and indeed (target) readers) aware of the dangers of cultural hybridity, which may well partly be the result of the unfavourable conditions in which many translators have to work.
Cuvinte-cheie:cultural translation, translational choices, hybridity, centripetal orientation, centrifugal orientation
Limba: franceză

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