Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Metaforă terminologică, metaforă terapeutică. Raţional şi intuitiv în discursul specializat

Publicația: Studia Universitatis Petru Maior. Philologia, 17, p. 39
Editura:Universitatea Petru Maior
Locul:Târgu Mureș
Rezumat:Beyond the character of monolexical and/or polilexical unity of terminology, the terminological metaphor can represent an extended unit of communication in the therapeutic discourse. It is the assertion our research starts from. The contrastive, descriptive method as well as the case study ensures the scientific demeanour of our research, through which we will discuss several aspects: the status of the terminological metaphor as opposed to the therapeutic metaphor, the functions and structure of the therapeutic metaphor, the rational and intuitive nature, the role of the metaphor in the therapeutic discourse, etc.
The conclusion of our research is that the concepts of terminological metaphor and therapeutic metaphor have different acceptions although they possess a heuristic and informative function as well as a quasi-identical cognitive process (based on analogy): the terminological metaphor is rational, limited, it belongs to the language of logic, the therapeutic metaphor is intuitive having an reference framework extended to culture (religions, lay, etc.).
Cuvinte-cheie:the terminological metaphor, the therapeutic metaphor, the rational, the intuitive
Limba: română

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