Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Conştiinţa trăiristului ca spaţiu al imaginarului autenticist

Publicația: Philologica Jassyensia, X (1 supl.), p. 169-175
Editura:Institutul de Filologie Română „A. Philippide”
Rezumat:[The Consciousness of “the Philosopher of Life” as Space for the Authenticist Imaginary] Since the 1930s, Mircea Eliade had been publishing a series of novels that have been integrated by the literary criticism into the existentialist prose. In these novels, referred to as “philosophies of life”, Eliade, through a subjective narrator, tried to illustrate his own ideas about morals and politics, themes that would constitute, from his point of view, the substance of a good novel. Authenticity, as a novelistic formula, is considered to be the most effective method by which the young writer can emphasize the drama of the conscience of his generation, a generation dominated by the primacy of the inner experience, of a spiritual nature. The eliadean character, fashioned as the “philosopher of life”, manifests a strong ontological thirst for knowing the real by means of: rebellion, eroticism, the experience of the tragic and the philosophy of despair, added up by the dream and memory elements that function as forms of recovery of the a priori consciousness.
Cuvinte-cheie:lebensphilosophie (trăirism), Mircea Eliade, dream, memory, experience
Limba: română

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3Diana VrabieO posibilă tipologie a autenticităţiiPhil. Jass., I (1-2), 265-2802005pdf

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