Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Lector oculatus (Dimitrie Cantemir, „Incrementa et decrementa Aulae Othmanicae”)

Publicația: Revista de istorie și teorie literară, VII (1-4), p. 143
Editura:Editura Academiei
Rezumat:Dimitrie Cantemir’s Incrementa et decrementa Aulae Othmanicae is a multiple level construction, as the explicit duplex of Incrementa (two books, 246 pages in Harvardiense manuscript) and Decrementa (one book, 284 pages, pp. 247–530 in the same manuscript) is mirrored by a remarkable apparatus: two series of Annotationes following Incrementa (bearing continuous numbers, from page 1 to 279) and one series, after Decrementa (numbered from page 1 to 206). The passage from Historia to Annotationes is done in both directions, as the author announces in the text some observations in annotations that are, as a rule, attached to distinct word in the text, which is minutely described, from different angles. Annotationes are a real thesaurus of data from various domains, of variable lengths, reflecting the interests and information of their author and, nevertheless, the way Cantemir valued the thirst of the reader, perceived as lector oculatus, defined by a never-ceasing curiositas.
Cuvinte-cheie:Dimitrie Cantemir, translation, author, adnotations, philology
Limba: română

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