Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Comportamentul lingvistic al adolescenţilor rusofoni şi tipurile lingvistice de familie (rezultatele unei anchete sociolingvistice)

Publicația: Philologia, LIII (1-2), p. 140
Editura:Academia de Științe a Moldovei
Rezumat:Depending on the spoken languages, the way they are used in the family and the alternative linguistic forms in students’ communication (Russian-speaking students), discovered via an investigation in Ungheni town („Al. Pushkin” High School), with a total of 100 students. There were determined several types of families. The A type is represented by families that communicate only in Russian (18%). In type B are included families that use only Romanian and which is characterized by the lack (or very rare occurrence) of conversational code-switching (5%). In type C are included families where parents and children converse only in Russian and the grandparents (usually only on one line – father/ mother) – in Romanian (16% of the sample). In conclusion, such students are also frequently subjected to situational code-switching. Type D is represented by 23% of students surveyed and characterizes the combination of situational and conversational code-switching because with some family members the student will speak only in Russian/ Romanian and with other members he will resort to mixing Russian and Romanian. The family type E is characterized by mixing situations with all members of the family – 20%.
Cuvinte-cheie:bilingualism, diglossia, code-switching, mixing
Limba: română

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Referințe în această publicație: 1

31John J. GumperzDiscourse StrategiesCambridge University Press1982

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