Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Factori determinanţi în stabilirea referinţei

Publicația: Philologia, LV (3-4), p. 60
Editura:Academia de Științe a Moldovei
Rezumat:In linguistics there are numerous studies on the reference. This concept was gradually founded once there started discussions about the connection between language, thought and reality, real objects, and referents. There appeared a field of study that investigates logical – philosophical problems concerning the meaning, denomination and such categories as existence and identity. Thus, reference is understood as a verbal act by which a certain sign of the language (reference phrase) refers to extra-linguistic reality, to an identified real-world object (referent), and issues such as speech acts, referential and non-referential use of nominal groups, reporting of nominal phrases to factual objects etc. were placed in the spotlight of linguistics. An important aspect in the study of reference refers to those three basic factors that determine it: syntactic, logical-semantic and pragmatic ones. The first factor, the syntactic one, establishes referential or non-referential use of name in an utterance, the second factor, the logical-semantic one, refers to the types of reporting nominal phrases to objects. The third factor, the pragmatic one, was given a greater role in determining the reference. It specifically refers to the distinction of reference type out of the bulk of speakers’ knowledge. In interpretation of reference these factors have an important role for they lie behind referentiality and are of prime importance in determining the type of reference.
Cuvinte-cheie:speech acts, referential, non-referential, nominal phrase, factor, syntactic, logical-semantic, pragmatic
Limba: română

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