Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Adjective cromatice în Eneida vergiliană

Publicația: Analele Universității de Vest din Timișoara. Seria Științe Filologice, L, p. 123
Editura:Editura Universității de Vest
Rezumat:[Chromatic Adjectives in Virgil’s Aeneid] A thorough reading of the Aeneid reveals the presence of a very large number of adjectival derivatives obtained by attaching the suffix -eus to nouns designating objects which are distinctly coloured. Specifically, such adjectives as aureus “golden” and purpureus “made of purple, purple”, argenteus “silvery” and marmoreus “marble”, aereus “coppery” and ferreus “iron” plastically reflect the colours incorporated in their corresponding precious materials or metals. Numerous are also the adjectives evoking various nuances of red: flame-red and fire- red, purple red, rose’s red or blood-red. Poetic epithets to take into account too are niveus, suggestively related to the whiteness of the snow, and lacteus, hinting at the milk’s white. Other epithets to be considered are croceus and luteus, denoting the yellow of flowers, as well as caeruleus, symbolising the color of the sky or sea. By shifting from the sphere of precious metals and materials to the vegetal, celestial, marine, or human realms, Virgil’s palette of colors becomes enriched with a variety of tones and shades destined to entice and charm.
Cuvinte-cheie:aereus “coppery”; aureus “golden”; caeruleus “azure, indigo, cerulean, sapphire, dark, black”; ferreus “iron”; marmoreus “marble”; niveus “snow-white”; purpureus “made of purple, purple”; roseus “rosy, rose-tinted, rose-colored, pink, pinkish”; sanguineus “bloody, blood-stained, blood-red”
Limba: română

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Referințe în această publicație: 2

202Jean Chevalier, Alain GheerbrantDicționar de simboluri
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Histoire des mots
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