Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Câteva observaţii asupra clasei lexico-gramaticale a verbelor de percepţie în limba română

Publicația: Limba română, LVIII (2), Secțiunea Gramatică, p. 262-267
Editura:Editura Academiei
Rezumat:In the present article, I signal and discuss some differences of semantic and syntactic behaviour that the Romanian verbs belonging to the class of perception verbs display. Starting from the distinction that certain studies on perception verbs draw between verbs of inert/active/passive perception, I show that the five sense modalities structuring the field of perception prove some irregularities with respect to the way they lexicalise the corresponding perception.
  • verb de percepţie, percepţie statică, percepţie activă, percepţie pasivă
  • perception verb, inert perception, dynamic perception, passive perception
Limba: română

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