Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Les conditions d’une bonne traduction selon Alexandru Odobescu

Publicația: Atelier de traduction, 19, p. 39
Editura:Editura Universităţii din Suceava
Rezumat:The paper evokes the figure of Alexandru Odobescu, a 19th-century Romanian intellectual who manifested an early authentical preoccupation for the quality of transpositions and for the conditions of a good translation. In what might be called a translation study avant la lettre, Odobescu underlines three major stages in the work of translators : a perfect understanding of the original, then rendering the original nuances as faithfully as possible, while also respecting the specificity of the Romanian language.
Cuvinte-cheie:translation studies precursor, quality of translation
Limba: franceză

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