Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

La retraduction des oeuvres littéraires – nécessité ou tendance ?

Publicația: Atelier de traduction, 18, p. 103
Editura:Editura Universităţii din Suceava
Rezumat:There is a big debate going on in Albania at the moment about the need to retranslate the classic literary works, particularly those of Shakespeare and Cervantes. This article discusses the problem of retranslation of the literary works, focusing on the factors that make this phenomenon indispensable in practice. But retranslation is not merely a necessity, it is also a positive practice which enriches and multiplies the interpretation of a literary work, thus encouraging the emergence of a translation critique which would support and expand the critique and study of literature. The article looks at the issue of (re)translation from the perspective based on Even-Zohar theory, as an integral part of general semiotic system or a polysystem.
Cuvinte-cheie:(re)translation, polysystem, original text, target text, reader
Limba: franceză

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