Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Comentarii pe marginea traducerii Vulgatei din 1760–1761

Publicația: Limba română, LXI (3), p. 372-379
Editura:Editura Academiei
Rezumat:The author establishes first the source of the Western Old Testament translation, realized between 1760–1761 by Archbishop Petru Pavel Aron and his collaborators – translation done for the first time in the context of the Romanian culture. They used the revised version of the Vulgata, published in Rome, in 1592. This was the so-called Pope Clement VIII Bible (Sixto-Clementina), which, after subsequent corrections, became the textus receptus of the Catholic Church. The edition used by the Romanian translators, called Biblia Sacra Vulgatae editionis, was published in Venice, in 1690, at the printing shop of Nicolaus Pezzana. Both the initial form of the translation and the manuscripts of the final version (published in 2005) are kept in the Library of The Romanian Academy in Cluj. As members of the first generation of Şcoala Ardeleană (the cultural movement known as The Transylvanian School), the monks of Blaj had studied in Western catholic colleges and institutes, where they became familiar with the text of the Vulgata. Their attempt to take a distance from the established version of the Oriental Septuaginta seemed like a daring act, motivated by the opening towards new cultural horizons, shared by the Transylvanian Enlightenment scholars. The text of the Romanian Bible is characterized by a literal translation, closely following the model. Though lexically rich, it remains tributary to the local linguistic norms.
  • Petru Pavel Aron, Vulgata Clementina, Psaltire, literalitatea traducerii, norma lingvistică locală
  • Petru Pavel Aron, Clementine Vulgate, Psalter, literal translation, local linguistic norms
Limba: română

Citări la această publicație: 1

Referințe în această publicație: 1

15Eugen PavelÎntre filologie și bibliofilieEditura „Biblioteca Apostrof”2007

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