Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Avestiţa, aripa Satanei. Redacţiile româneşti

Publicația: Limba română, LXII (4), Secțiunea Filologie, p. 491-498
Editura:Editura Academiei
Rezumat:The analysis of the Romanian manuscript versions of the legend of Avestiţa from the stock of the Library of the Romanian Academy in Bucharest, and of the printed ones as well, has revealed that this apocryphal text, despite having a longer history than the Legend of Saint Sisoe, reached our territory later (the earliest known version dates from 1752). Due to its more reduced length, however, the legend of Avestiţa may be more easily considered as an amulet, spreading in a far greater number of samples (approximately 60, compared with 20 variants of the Legend of Saint Sisoe). We have noticed the existence of a primary variant, from which two types of versions split, called “Avestiţa-Sisoe” and “Avestita” respectively, depending on the inclusion or non-inclusion in the text of Saint Sisoe as a secondary character. The hypothesis advanced here, according to which the translation model followed by the legend of Avestiţa was based on a source of Slavic origin, most probably a print dating from the 17th or 18th century, remains to be confirmed by future studies.
  • apocrif, Avestiţa, redacţii româneşti
  • apocryphal, Avestiţa, Romanian variants
Limba: română

Citări la această publicație: 3

Referințe în această publicație: 2

3Marius MaziluLegenda Sfântului Sisinie. Redacţiile româneşti LR, LVII (1), 75-882008pdf
21Tudor PamfileMitologia poporului român
2 vol.
Vestala2006; 2008

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