Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Inflexiuni biblice în lirica interbelică. Cântecele pescarului Seled de Alexandru Leontescu

Publicația: Text şi discurs religios, VI, Secțiunea Literatura și sacrul, p. 441-448
Editura:Editura Universităţii „Alexandru Ioan Cuza”
Rezumat:The interwar writing Seled / The Songs of Seled, the Fisherman is represented by the paradigm of wisdom to live and understand love, from Cântarea Cântărilor / The Song of Songs and Persian authors, changed into lyrics by the fisherman-poet, he himself a symbol of the creator. Using the pretext of assigning this poem full of pathos to an Aramaic old man, translated by someone in Jerusalem, the writer outlines in two lyrical sequences (Miriam sau iubirea trupului/ Miriam, or the Love of the Body and Gomera sau iubirea sufletului/ Gomera, or the Love of the Soul) the initiation story of a young man in love, who does not reach the conciliation between mind and heart. However, the obsession of the unfulfilled love still remains, oscillating between amor concupiscentiae and am r, suffering for a long time in the Communist prisons, together with N. Steinhardt, finds the compensatory solution of writing love lyrics of a great sensibility. The primary source of inspiration of the macro-poem Cântecele pescarului or benevolentiae, is also present in Alexandru Leontescu’s other writings. Hence, we analyze in what way some lyrical influences not only from The Song of Songs, but also from other representative universal lyrical works are to be found in this poem.
Cuvinte-cheie:Biblical intertextuality, Interwar Romanian literature, Alexandru Leontescu
Limba: română

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