Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Elements sémantiques et stylistiques du texte poétique d’Arghezi. La dénomination de la divinité

Publicația: Text şi discurs religios, VI, Secțiunea Literatura și sacrul, p. 421-439
Editura:Editura Universităţii „Alexandru Ioan Cuza”
Rezumat:The present paper focuses on the various stylistic and semantic ways through which Tudor Arghezi – a non-conformist poet – relates to the divinity, and, subsequently, to the whole religious vocabulary. Depending on the context, the divinity is: God, The Lord, He, The-One-from-Above, His-Holiness, Surrounded by Stars, He-Who-Knows, Father, Whoknows, Someone, The One Who, The One Who Has Made the World, The One Who Hides, The Mighty One Who Lights the Stars, etc. Considering these names and the contexts in which they occur, our investigation marks out two phenomena: the semantic polarization and poetic metaphorization through religious terms that form a dominant lexical field in Tudor Arghezi’s poetry.
Cuvinte-cheie:text, poetry, God, religion, semantics, stylistics
Limba: franceză

Citări la această publicație: 1

Referințe în această publicație: 3

9Ana-Maria GînsacTeonimie româneascăEditura Universității „Alexandru Ioan Cuza”2013
95Eugen MunteanuLexicologie biblică româneascăHumanitas2008html
202Jean Chevalier, Alain GheerbrantDicționar de simboluri
Mituri, vise, obiceiuri, gesturi, forme, figuri, culori, numere. Vol. I (A–D), vol. II (E–O), vol. III (P–Z)
Artemis; Polirom1969, 1993-1995; 2009

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