Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Contribuţia bisericii ortodoxe la afirmarea spiritualităţii româneşti în nordul Bucovinei (sec. XVIII-XIX)

Publicația: Text şi discurs religios, VI, Secțiunea Literatura și sacrul, p. 371-375
Editura:Editura Universităţii „Alexandru Ioan Cuza”
Rezumat:High and educated clergy, which Nicolae Iorga had spoken about, largely succeeded in consolidating Romanian intellectuals from Northern Bukovyna, thus becoming their leaders “on the road of powerful culture” (G. Calinescu). The writers and enthusiastic educators, who made use of faith, culture and science to bring light to their countrymen’s hearts, were gradually getting more numerous. Along with Silvestru Morariu-Andrievich, Iraclie Porumbescu (1823-1896), the priest serving in Boian area and other regions, deploys his literary career as one of the first poets and writers of this land. The outstanding anthropologist and folklorist, academician Simion Florea Marian (1847-1907), who, as a priest to many Bukovynian villages (including Voloca near Chernivtsi), had the opportunity to become closely acquainted with folk traditions and described our rich and diverse ageold customs in his writings and anthologies. In addition to these, let us remember the names of the other defenders of the faith, language and national culture in Bukovyna: Constantin Morariu (1854-1927), the priest to Toporeutsi area of Chernivtsi district, about whom one of his biographers (C. Loghin) wrote that “wherever his foot would step, he left light infinite, and his writings are great” (he was a poet, translator, and essay writer); Dimitrie Dan (1856-1927), the Consistory advisor and the member of the Romanian Academy, the author of works on the history of church in Bukovyna and ethno-folk sketches of great documentary value; Zaharie Voronca (1851-1920), the priest in the village of Mihalchea near Chernivtsi, the writer and the fighter (under the society «Arboroasa») for political and cultural rights of the Bukovynian Romanians, and others.Orthodox Church, due to its activity (religious books publishing), also played a very important role in the formation of the Romanian literary language in Bukovyna. Since it was the only stable force independent of social factors, it contributed to the strengthening of the nation and the preservation of spirituality for centuries.
Cuvinte-cheie:clergy, romanian intellectuals, Silvestru Morariu-Andrievich, Constantin Morariu, Orthodox Church, Candela
Limba: română

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