Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Romanian-speaking children’s comprehension of relatives

Publicația: Revue roumaine de linguistique, LVII (2), p. 219-239
Editura:Editura Academiei
Rezumat:The paper investigates the comprehension of right-branching relatives in child Romanian on the basis of experimental data coming from three binary picturematching tasks. The asymmetry between the comprehension of subject relatives and direct object relatives is accounted for in terms of computational overload. Children’s non-target responses to direct object relatives are interpreted as reflecting their immature capacity of fully integrating language knowledge with extralinguistic cues. The results reveal that different pieces of syntactic knowledge are employed differentially through development.
Limba: engleză

Citări la această publicație: 2

Referințe în această publicație: 6

2Adriana Belletti, Carla ContemoriSubjects in children’s object relatives in ItalianRRL, LVII (2), 117-1422012pdf
1Anamaria BenţeaSubject vs. object relatives: what can Romanian children tell us about their acquisition?RRL, LVII (2), 203-2182012pdf
2Anna Gavarró, Arnau Cunill, Míriam Muntané, Marc ReguantThe acquisition of Catalan relatives: structure and processingRRL, LVII (2), 183-2012012pdf
2Maria José EzeizabarrenaChildren do not substitute object relatives with subject relatives in every Romance language: the case of SpanishRRL, LVII (2), 161-1812012pdf
16Alexandra CornilescuThe Double Subject Construction in Romanian. Notes on the Syntax of the SubjectRRL, XLII (3-4), 1011997
75Valeria Guțu RomaloCorectitudine și greșeală
Limba română de azi
Editura Științifică; Humanitas Educațional1972; 2000, 2008

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