Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Greek Suffixes in the Structure of Last Names in the Republic of Moldova

Publicația: Studii și cercetări de onomastică și lexicologie, VI (1-2)
Editura:Editura Sitech
  • The Romanian language has always been going through a dynamic process of linguistic interference with other languages, this process being favoured by various contexts from geography, politics, economy, culture, etc.For the onomastic material, almost totally shaped nowadays (for instance, in the cases of forming family names), which had been created, in strata, during various periods of the history undergone by society, the only appropriate method of study is to join synchrony and diachrony together. Apart from the names themselves, already created by other peoples, the Romanian language has also adopted some lexical components, used at certain moments by the Romanian speakers in order to derive names.
  • La langue roumaine a toujours été dans un processus dynamique d’interférence linguistique, favorisé par le contexte géographique, politique, économique, culturel, etc.
    Le matériel onomastique, qui s’est formé dans diverses périodes historiques de développement de la société et de la langue et dont le processus de formation est presque accompli de nos jours (par exemple, en ce qui concerne la formation des noms de famille), ne peut être étudié que dans le plan synchronique – diachronique, car, à part les noms, déjà formés chez d’autres peuples, le roumain a emprunté aussi toute une série de formants que les usagers ont employés, à divers moments, pour la dérivation des noms.
  • anthroponym, anthroponymical repertoire, family name, patronymic suffix, nickname
  • anthroponyme, nomenclature anthroponymique, nom de famille, suffixe patronymique, surnom
Limba: franceză

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Referințe în această publicație: 5

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4Pârvu BoerescuDificultăţi ale etimologiei limbii române: este hahaleră un cuvânt creat de I.L.Caragiale?LR, LV (3-4), 1332006html
136Alexandru GraurNume de persoaneEditura Științifică1965
46Alexandru GraurÎncercare asupra fondului principal lexical al limbii româneEditura Academiei1954
129Giorge PascuSufixele româneștiLibrăriile SOCEC & Co.1916

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