Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Aspects of Terms’ Antonymy within Medical Vocabulary

Publicația: Studii și cercetări de onomastică și lexicologie, V (1-2), p. 215
Editura:Editura Sitech
  • Whether it is subject to purely formal description by revealing its enrichment directions – prefixing, suffixing, composition – or it is examined from the perspective of the lexical-semantic relations, of the expressed degree of semantic opposition, antonymy, the semantic relationship analyzed in this paper is a well-defined attribute of medical terminology and it implicitly reflects the markers of the conceptual contrariety within the investigated filed and, consequently, the general human tendency – including specialists’ – to designate extra linguistic reality by contrast.
  • Que ce soit soumise à la description purement formelle en révélant ses directions d’enrichissement – préfixation, suffixation, composition – que ce soit examinée sous l’angle des relations lexico sémantiques, du degré d’opposition sémantique exprimée, l’antonymie, la relation sémantique analysée dans cette étude est un attribut bien défini de la terminologie médicale et reflète implicitement les repères de la contrariété conceptuelle du domaine étudié et par conséquent la tendance générale humaine – y compris celle des spécialistes – de désigner la réalité extralinguistique par contraste.
  • term, medical, antonym, opposition, semantic
  • terme, médical, antonyme, opposition, sémantique
Limba: engleză

Citări la această publicație: 0

Referințe în această publicație: 1

47Vasile Șerban, Ivan EvseevVocabularul românesc contemporan
Schiță de sistem
Editura Facla1978

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