Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Preliminarii la o tipologie a textemelor româneşti. Abordare din perspectivă integralistă

Publicația: Annales Universitatis Apulensis. Series Philologica, 11 (1), p. 251-262
Editura:Universitatea „1 Decembrie 1918”
Locul:Alba Iulia
Rezumat:The goal of this paper is to create a repertory of the principles and criteria necessary for building A TYPOLOGY OF THE ROMANIAN TEXTEMES. For this purpose we will try to restructure the acquisitions of traditional phraseology within the borders of a more recent conceptual frame, provided by the methodology of the structural semantics, of the cognitive semantics and especially that of integral linguistics. Our approach is primarily based on the concept of “repeated discourse”, which Eugenio Coseriu opposed to the “free technique of speech” and divided into three subcategories: “lexical periphrases” (the equivalents of words), “stereotyped collocations” (the equivalents of collocations) and “locutions” (i.e. phrasemes and textemes as substitutes of sentences/texts). However, the founder of linguistic integralism defined the textemes only from a grammatical (syntactic) point of view and did not focus on a sub-classification of the textemes proper. For this reason, we have also included in the category of the textemes the so-called “verbal idiomatic expressions” that Coseriu had ranged in the category of “stereotype syntagms” and we have attempted to formulate a definition on semantic grounds of the textemes (as units of the repeated discourse characterised by the non- coincidence of the dimensions of their “content”). This definition provides us concurrently with the premises of a classification of the textemes, which, depending on the dimensions between which the “non-coincidence” of the contents is manifest, may be categorised in diasketic textemes (involving a division between designation and signification), diasemic textemes (in which a non-coincidence is noted between signification and meaning) and diatropic textemes (characterised by the disjunction between their proper meaning and their figurative/ metaphorical meaning). Last but not least, our research approaches a series of adjacent linguistic phenomena, such as the translation of the textemes, the position of the “international phraseologic clichés”, the intertextuality or rapport between the determination and the restructuring of the textemes.
Cuvinte-cheie:integral linguistics; repeated discourse; textemes; linguistic “content”; diasketic/ diasemic/ diatropic
Limba: română

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