Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Unităţi şi structuri lexicale în dinamica limbii române contemporane

Publicația: Annales Universitatis Apulensis. Series Philologica, 11 (1), p. 207-217
Editura:Universitatea „1 Decembrie 1918”
Locul:Alba Iulia
Rezumat:The study on The Dynamic of Lexical Structures in the Contemporary Romanian Language deals with the dynamics phenomena of the contemporary language, analyzes some lexical units and structures implied in the enlargement or transformation process of the semantic register, and studies the transformations of the word’s morphemic structure. The meaning’s dynamic produce grammatical transformations (conversion or changing of the grammatical class) and the adoption of a morphological behavior specific to another grammatical class (for instance the adjective becoming a noun, the including of specific grammatical affixes in the process of forming the plural of the noun). We may observe the semantic deviation that words or idioms of the journalistic style concern. Wrong used lexical units and structures that frequently appear in the press tend to impose themselves as a norm because they are actually worn down from a linguistic point of view. Others remain available only in the colloquial language.
The linguistic loan translations, a mixed (internal and external) way to enrich the vocabulary – lexical loan translations of a semantic structure, lexical loan translations of a morphemic structure, the idiomatic loan translation - is often the starting point for the lexical and semantic transformations/ “the semantic and grammatical deviation” of the language. Sometimes the transformations are due to the speaker’s process of adjusting and making familiar to it or trying to make the term/structure of local use adapted to the Romanian linguistic system (phonetic, semantic or grammatical).
Another cause of the dynamic of the contemporary Romanian language is the terms lack of feature, fact that couldn’t stop the generalization of a false form. Here is a classification of the word’s form changing (changing of a exclusive linguistic nature): another stress than in the source language, the folk etymology, the pleonasm, grammatical structures wrong build with forms of other cases, sound transformations in words following other morphemic rules than the ones of the Romanian linguistics. The research of these lexical elements from an etymological point of view shows sometimes surprising things about the relation norm /usage. The correct form of a word – including everything that relates to it, that means the right stress, the right number of syllables etc. – can be better observed in the names, in which structure the elements of composition, the original words should be revealed. It often happens that regional forms of the flexional affixes in the names are taken by mistake as words build up with derivative suffixes. The comparison of the right forms, considered to be like that because they respect the word’s etymology, with those which are commonly used or registred in the Orthographic, Orthoepic and Morphological Dictionary of the Romanian language presents not only the opposition wrong/versus/right but also old form/new form.
Cuvinte-cheie:contemporary language; dynamics phenomena; journalistic style; relation norm /usage; word’s etymology
Limba: română

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