Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Categoria aspectului în gramatica limbii române (delimitări şi observaţii)

Publicația: Annales Universitatis Apulensis. Series Philologica, 10, p. 282-290
Editura:Universitatea „1 Decembrie 1918”
Locul:Alba Iulia
Rezumat:The purpose of the following essay is to analyze the pertinence and legitimacy of the category of aspect in Romanian language. The starting point for this purpose will be represented by the chapter reserved for the aspect in the latest edition of the academic Romanian Language Grammar (GALR, 2005), which has “officialized” this category in the Romanian linguistic research, and our analysis will be held on four coordinates. Firstly, we will discuss the theoretical basis of the category of aspect, with reference mainly to the transformational-generative linguistics, but without ignoring the particular solutions developed by the “applied” grammars of different languages too (especially English and French). The justification of this question is supported by the fact that GALR is based on a Chomskyan theory, developed itself on the idiomatic particularities of the English language and which is not perfectly adequate for the specific of the Romanian language. Secondly, we will take into account the ways of forming the aspect in Romanian and we will distinguish between the grammatical and the lexical-semantic procedures. Thirdly, we will have in view the relationships of the aspect with other adjacent categories (time and mode), and also with the modality phenomenon, each time indicating the superpositions, the similarities, the differences and even the incompatibilities between the mentioned processes. Finally, we will try to suggest a series of analytical solutions concerning the interpretation of the aspectual constructions by discussing several examples and contexts.
Cuvinte-cheie:aspect; transformational-generative grammar; idiomatic specificity; modality; lexical vs grammatical markers
Limba: română

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