Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

De la gramatica lingvistică la gramatica retorică. Pentru o retorică a tautologiei în sintaxa discursului persuasive

Publicația: Annales Universitatis Apulensis. Series Philologica, 10, p. 205-221
Editura:Universitatea „1 Decembrie 1918”
Locul:Alba Iulia
Rezumat:Trying to make a theoretical and meta-theoretical configuration of a rhetoric of tautology in the syntax of persuasive discourse, our paper focuses on tautology as significant rhetorical practice, from the perspective of a functional and trained intentionality. At the same time the paper tries to establish the place of tautology within the system of lexical repetition integrated in discoursive syntax which belongs to current theoretical orientations from neo-rhetoric to general linguistics. The relatively recent scientifical aspect of these new orientations can reveal the nature of expressive and intentional implications which arise for the general domanin of sense creation, for the domain of rhetorical analysis of specific discourse circumstances of tautological persuation. As a consequence, it is impossible not to recognize a certain interdisciplinary transfer in our paper. However, this does not represent a manifestation of methodological heterogeneity, on the contrary as this transfer is the result of a certain unavoidable homomorphism of procedure entailed by the complementarity between linguistic grammar and rhetoric grammar. Being given the functional and relational characteristics of tautology we have tried to outline the fact that at the level of discourse syntax the main parameters which characterize tautology and the analysis of the funtions identified by the former as well as the importance of these parameters in the perspective of the structural – persuasive significance. On this purpose we have reunited and made use of criteria which are revealing from a linguistic point of view (the specific feature of a syntactical construction and the semantic values of tautological structures at syntagmatic and phrastic levels) as well as criteria which are significant from a rhetoric oint of view (the specific features of the expressive values as well as the intentional dimension which characterizes the tautological discourse). As shown above the aim of the meta-theoretical research which approaches tautology from a linguistic and rhetoric perspective was on the one hand to establish the place of tautology within the system of rhetoric figures based on lexical repetition and on the other hand to determine the functional status at this taxonomic level by identifying specific functions of tautology and by describing its role within the manifestation of linguistic and rhetorical action.
Cuvinte-cheie:grammaire linguistique; grammaire rhétorique; rhétorique; tautologie; discours persuasif
Limba: română

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