Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Gândire şi comunicare în civilizaţiile orientale

Publicația: Studia Universitatis Petru Maior. Philologia, 15, p. 45
Editura:Universitatea Petru Maior
Locul:Târgu Mureș
Rezumat:As basic aspects of human action, thinking and communication are the very ontological condition of man in the universe, which has supported him not only in biological living, but also in going through moments and periods of deep transformations and complex metamorphoses in public life, along centuries. Congruence between thought and communication can readily be identified in ancient myths of Oriental peoples: Enuma Elis, the Epic of Gilgamesh – Sumerians, Tep Zepi, King Shabaka’s Inscription, Hymn to Isthar – Egyptians, the Bible – Hebrews, the Vedas – ancient Indians, the Book of Changes – the Chinese etc. In the same way, the oldest writings (made on papyrus, animal skins etc.) contain the very first proverbs and philosophical meditations of mankind.
Cuvinte-cheie:thinking, being, communication, evolution, intellect, myths, papyrus, proverbs
Limba: română

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