Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Relatives inférentielles ? De la micro- à la macro-syntaxe

Publicația: Revue roumaine de linguistique, LIII (3), p. 313-328
Editura:Editura Academiei
Rezumat:We are presenting the results of our observations on the functioning of relatives in the spoken language, trying to demonstrate that dislocation is not a decisive factor of their restrictive vs non-restrictive status, nor of grammatical vs discursive. Besides certain examples from authors dealing with spoken language, syntax of dislocation and relative clauses, the investigated corpus has been C-ORAL-ROM.
We have been able to notice that the opposition dislocated vs non-dislocated, which is the rule in the written language, and has well determined marks, obliges us to question not only the validity of these categories in spoken language, but also of the non-restrictive category (“propositions relatives explicatives” in French). We consider that classification and description of relative clauses should be seen as gradation rather than opposition. The following gradual categories have been observed on our oral corpus: compulsory restrictive clauses (2), fuzzy constructions (3) and quasiindependent structures (4 and 5). These independent structures were found in monological paratactic constructions (4) and in dialogic ones (5). As they are used without a relative word or they belong to different speech turns, we called these last categories “inferential relatives”. All these lead to a more permissive definition of relative clauses, which should be a gradual one.
Limba: franceză

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