Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

V. Voiculescu’s Sonnets: Eros, Flight into the Light of Agapè

Publicația: Studia Universitatis Petru Maior. Philologia, 13, p. 16
Editura:Universitatea Petru Maior
Locul:Târgu Mureș
Rezumat:This paper represents a glimpse into the world of V. Voiculescu’s “Ultimele sonete ale lui Shakespeare. Traducere imaginară” (“Shakespeare’s Last Sonnets. Imaginary Interpretation”), a glimpse of the heart following the eye through the inner sceneries of our poet’s masterpiece. As the title shows, the authors intended to reveal, through Voiculescu’s sonnets, two complementary aspects of Love with the help from some critics, Patristic authors and modern theo-philosophers who are trying to institute a phenomenological theology on the grounds of Johannine assertion “God is Love.”
Cuvinte-cheie:eros, agapè, sonnet, ethical conscience, transcendental
Limba: engleză

Citări la această publicație: 2

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